Management buzzwords known as jargon have created confusion in workplaces across the country for what feels like forever, and due to recent non-standard English varieties, including slang and abbreviations, these often loathed phrases have taken on a life of their own.
Despite despising these clichéd phrases, we’ve all been guilty of using them. It’s almost impossible to avoid them altogether, but which one should we make most effort to veto from our office vocabulary?
We’ve polled the British public to discover which office lingo they hate most. From “no brainer” to “game-changer”, the nation has decided the 33 most cringe-inducing phrases they hear at work. We’ve even gone the extra mile and found annoying business jargon across the world, just to show that we’re not the only culprits of cliched corporate speak.
So, let’s touch base on this business jargon.
It's a no-brainer: the UK's most hated business jargon
The top 33 worst business jargon ranked
1. Touch base
2. No-brainer
3. Outside the box
4. Going the extra mile
5. Blue sky thinking
6. Game-changer
7. Brainstorm
8. Ping an email
9. E-meet you
10. Thought shower
11. Ducks in a row
12. On my radar
13. Low hanging fruit
14. Park that
15. Stick a pin in it
16. Get the ball rolling
17. Paradigm shift
18. Out of the loop
19. Off-piste
20. Moving forward
21. Window of opportunity
22. Drill down
23. Put it on ice
24. Comfort zone
25. Deliverables
26. Take that offline
27. Ideation
28. Move the needle
29. Reach out
30. Circle back
31. Actionable
32. Break out
33. Take outs
“Touch base”, “no-brainer”, “outside the box” and “go the extra mile’” all topped the most hated lingo, so we’ve looked into where these monstrosities came from, how they came about and why they’re so widely used.
Touch base
It’s official, the UK public despise the phrase “touch base”, which originates from baseball. The American sport is famous for its four bases which the player must run around in order to score points. Touching base is a vital aspect of the game, as without it, the player can’t advance. In business terms, this has come to mean “let’s make contact”, “cover all possibilities” or “check-in with each other”.
No brainer is another disliked piece of office lingo. Americans coined the phrase in the 1950’s to refer to things that require little mental effort. It can also be used to describe an easily made decision. Looking at the results of our survey, perhaps the easily made decision would be to omit “no-brainer” from your next email.
Outside the box
This usually refers to “thinking outside the box”, and once again Americans are to blame for this one-we’re starting to see a pattern here! This phrase was born a little later than “no-brainer” in the 1960’s and has become one of the biggest business clichés. Although we’re sure you know it, the phrase means to “think creatively” or “in an unconventional way”.
Going the extra mile
This phrase, which means “to do more than is expected of you” actually has religious origins. It originates from the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew Ch 5 v 41) which refers to a law that would allow Roman soldiers the right to ask any Jewish citizen to carry his belongings for a mile. Jesus used this example to show his followers that they can do more than is expected of them, by taking Roman soldiers’ belongings for an “extra mile”.
Business jargon around the world
It seems the UK has an unwanted abundance of business jargon, which got us wondering whether other countries have to endure the same tiresome office lingo. We have to admit, there is comfort in knowing that Germany has phrases such as “now it’s about the sausage” and Greek’s often exclaim “he cooked the fish on his lips”.

Nine cows, one hair
Jiu Niu Yi Mao
This phrase originates from China and is used to describe something that has little impact e.g. “there’s no point including that in the index, it’s would be like nine cows, one hair”.

Now it’s about the sausage
Jetzt's geht's um die Wurst!
This phrase originates from Germany and is used to describe the final stages of a project e.g. “everyone, it’s time to knuckle down. Now it’s about the sausage.”

Sliding in on a shrimp sandwich
Glida in på en räkmacka
This phrase originates from Sweden and is used to describe someone who has things easy e.g. “who do you think you are, sliding in on a shrimp sandwich” or “he’s just sliding in on a shrimp sandwich, isn’t he?”

What does gingerbread have to do with a windmill?
Co ma piernik do wiatraka?
This phrase originates from Poland and is used to ask what one thing has to do with another e.g. “you may say that but what does gingerbread have to do with a windmill?”

He cooked the fish on his lips
έψαχνε ένα ψάρι στα χείλη του
This phrase originates from Greece and is used when someone makes life difficult for themselves e.g.
“Why has he made it so complicated? He’s cooked the fish on his lips”.
French Business Jargon
To give one’s tongue to the cat
Donner sa langue au chat
Meaning: To give up
To come in like a hair in the soup
Arriver comme un cheveu sur la soupe
Meaning: To enter a situation at the worst time
To have bread on the cutting board
Avoir du pain sur la planchet
Meaning: We’ve got work to do
Spanish Business Jargon
Smash the file
Dar carpetazo
Meaning: to put a project to one side
Drain the lump
Escurrir el bulto
Meaning: shifting responsibility to someone else
Australian Business Jargon
Fair suck of the sauce bottle
Meaning: wishing to be treated fairly
Greek Business Jargon
The feet revolted and want to hit the head
Τα πόδια επαναστάτησαν και θέλουν να χτυπήσουν το κεφάλι
Meaning: denouncing authority
Where are you going, barefoot on thorn?
Πού πηγαίνεις, ξυπόλητος στα αγκάθια;
Meaning: why are you taking on such a difficult task?
Indonesian Business Jargon
Keeping father happy
Asal bapak senang
Meaning: hiding bad news from the boss
Rubber time
Jam karet
Meaning: flexible timing